Welcome to My New Blog: The Kay Saga
Hello world, my name is Kamika and I would like to welcome you to my blog. First, a little about me. I am young, married, and I hold two degrees. Currently, I work full time in a financial aid office as a technology coordinator. My plan to use this blog to express myself and talk about the things that go on in my life. My hobbies are reading, spending time with my family, and occasionally playing video games.
The reason that I decided to start this blog is for a creative outlet during our debt free journey as well as my husband’s recovery. My husband recently found out that he has a rare brain condition called Chiari Malformation. He has had four operations within the past two years for relief. We are young and still learning how to deal with this condition. I know that there are others that are going through similar struggles. I feel that documenting the things that we are experiencing will help us sort out our feelings and move forward each day.
This blog will discuss how we budget our money, our debt free plan, how we are coping with treatments, and other life lessons as they occur. The blog is written from my perspective with an occasional post from my husband. I’m looking to reach an audience that feels that their life is not going the way they planned to let them know that they are not alone. Sit back and enjoy this blog as we knock out debt and move towards a more balanced life!