Managing Money

The Truth About Financial Freedom And How To Reach It

The Truth About Financial Freedom And How To Reach It

Have you ever thought about what your life would look like if you didn’t have to worry about money? I think about this all the time. I sit back and look at the amount of money that goes out of my household towards debt each month. There are so many other things that I would…

How To Live On Last Month’s Income

How To Live On Last Month’s Income

A couple of years ago my husband and I decided that we wanted to live on last month’s income. We had been going through Financial Peace University at the time and were encouraged to use a budget. We tried paper and pen budgets but decided that it would be easier to use a budget app. The…

How To Budget For Birthdays Without Breaking The Bank

How To Budget For Birthdays Without Breaking The Bank

Have you ever forgotten to budget for someone’s birthday? I hate scrambling around at the last minute to find a cheap gift for someone. If you forget to budget for birthdays, shopping can be crazy. You always forget when to purchase the gift and who’s birthday is coming next. If you have a large family,…