Weekly Kickstart Notepad from InkWell Press
A while back, I mentioned using a to-do list to make my day more productive. Today I would like to talk about the notepad that I use for my lists. I use the Weekly Kickstart Notepad from Inkwell Press. Inkwell Press is an awesome company that specializes in productivity and empowering women. Their mission is to create beautiful organizational products to help you feel empowered, prepared & successful. They offer planners, journals and organizational notepads to fit the needs of even the busiest person. The owner takes pride in her products and sends a video to each person that makes a purchase to show the best ways to use the product that they have chosen.
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The Weekly Kickstart Notepad is perfect for me because I only need one sheet each week to be productive. There are approximately 50 sheets in each pack. This means that one purchase will last almost the entire year. The notepad is 7.5×11 inches and the paper is 80lb. This is the perfect size to hang on the refrigerator or to fold in half and carry inside of a planner. This notepad is packed with many great features. There is a place to highlight the top five things that I need to complete during the week. The notepad also has a place to jot down everything else that needs to be done that week. The weekly spread is my favorite part of the notepad. Each weekday has its own section and the weekend is combined into one space. This makes my Sunday evening planning very simple.

I start my Sunday planning by listing all of the tasks that need to be completed for the week on the right-hand side. I make sure to include tasks that need to do around the house, places that I need to go, any appointments that we have or need to schedule, and places that I need to call. This works kind of like a brain dump for myself and my husband. Some weeks I fill up the whole sidebar and some weeks I do not. This is perfectly fine because the goal is to prioritize my week, not fill in all of the blanks.
Next, I like to choose the five most important tasks and add them to the “Top 5” list at the top. This helps me to prioritize tasks and I now have five major tasks identified to spread throughout the week. I like to complete only one complicated/extremely important task per day so this helps me to organize the whole week. When my top 5 is identified, I decide which day I would like to do each task. Then I write them in the weekly view. The last step is to put my husband’s appointments in the weekly view and add the things from the task sidebar that I need to do each day as well. I hang the sheet on a cork board that I have in the kitchen so that my husband and I know everything that is going on throughout the week. This works seamlessly in my house.

If you are interested in purchasing this notepad or any of the other amazing products from Inkwell Press, I have a discount code for you to receive $10 off of your first $50 purchase. All you have to do to redeem this code is click the link, create an account, and start shopping. I hope you enjoy the products as much as I do. Happy planning!
I absolutely love this post! I’m definitely a planaholic. My favorite planning tool is the bullet journal, because it’s super flexible and customizable, but I usually use a very similar weekly outline as the one you are using and I find it to be super helpful, and of course, I need tons of colorful pens, but I haven’t found a brand that I enjoy yet.
I use a planner as well. Planning is so easy when your week is already outlines and I love that I can leave the notepad at home for my husband to see and carry my planner with me. I love different colored pens too but I just use a set of InkJoys, nothing special!