How To Set Up A Budget In YNAB
If you want to learn how to set up a budget in YNAB, keep reading.
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Today, I want to show you how to set up a budget in YNAB, which is the budgeting software that I love to use.
Start a free YNAB trial
To get started with the free 34-day trial using my affiliate link, go to
Once you’re on the homepage for YNAB, click on “Start Your Free Trial”.
Add an email address and create a password to get started.
Click “Start Your Free Trial,” read through the terms and conditions, then “Agree.”
On the startup screen, answer a few questions to get started.
Now, you have a bare bones budget.
Create budget categories
Now, let’s add our categories. The categories are flexible. You can add and delete as many of them as you would like.
Add accounts
YNAB allows you to have linked and unlinked accounts.
A Linked Account is going to pull in information from your bank. An unlinked account means that you will enter your transactions manually.
Budget accounts are accounts that are in your monthly budget. If you spend or add money to these accounts, it’s going to affect your budget.
Tracking accounts are just accounts that you use to track your money. Anything that happens with these accounts doesn’t affect your budget at all.
Budget your money
Let’s start with $2,000. What do you need this money to do before you get paid again?
Assign each dollar a job until the To Be Budgeted amount is zero.
That is how you setup your budget with YNAB.
Questions about YNAB
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